photo of Dmitry Bogdanov
  • HTML5
  • CSS3 / SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • GIT
  • Gulp
  • BEM

Front-End Developer

Dmitry Bogdanov

I independently learned the basics of layout and continue to learn.

I use the VS Code development environment and the Gulp task manager to automate the project build using Autoprefixer, convert from SCSS, convert images to webp, compress css and js, connecting plugins.

I use flex and media queries for adaptive responsive layout.

Work Experience

Front-End Developer Freelance

October 2020 - up to now | Russia
I create adaptive, cross-browser, valid layout using "Autoprefixer", converting images to webp format, compressing css and js.

Builder Freelance

August 2006 - June 2020 | Ukraine / Russia
I was a builder of a wide profile and was engaged in complex repair of premises.

Junior research assistant
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A. A. Galkin

October 2004 - May 2005 | Ukraine
I studied the structural parameters of amorphous-crystalline composite materials created on the basis of aluminum.


Donetsk national University, faculty of physics
Septermber 2000 - June 2005 | Ukraine